All meetings are held on Friday evenings and start at 7 PM in Room B13.
24 January | Pot Night on Blue and White painted wares. Members are invited to bring examples for discussion. | |
7 February | Jim Sewell Chairmans Choice - a personel look at the changing face of ceramics: (1)Useful wares, 17th to 20th canturies. | |
28 February | Christopher Jordan - Persian Portraits: Worcester and Spode, or, how one thing leads to another. | |
1 March | TBA | |
4 April | TBA | |
Meetings start at 7 pm promptly and are usually held in Room B13. Details of any changes are given on the printed list of room allocations by the Reception desk in the College Foyer. Any queries, ask at Reception.
Non-members are welcome to come to two meetings. If you do so, please make yourself known to the Chairman, James Sewell, or any other Committee member. New members should also identify themselves at their first attendance.
Lectures generally last about an hour and are followed by a period of questions and discussion. Meetings usually finish by about 8.30 pm.
Those members of the Circle who arrive at the College before 7 pm (i.e. from around 5.45 pm) come to the College Refectory where, while taking refreshment, they can talk informally with fellow-members and, for example, seek comments on problem pots.